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Trusted Contributor

Delay when earning points on quizzes

Whenever I answer quizzes to earn points, the first couple of quizzes go quickly.  Then it takes 

longer and longer with each subsequent quiz.  Has AARP built in a timer on quizzes so that if you do more than a couple at a time, they will make sure it takes a long time to complete the next few quizzes?  It is frustrating.  Most of the time, I quit and go back to videos.


It is not my internet slowing the quizzes down.  My internet is fast.  It is not my browser slowing the quizzes down.  I have used both Chrome and Safari.  It is not the time of day when I do quizzes.  I have had the slow down problem at various times.


The whole slow down happened several months ago.  I don’t remember when exactly (perhaps last fall).  I have looked on the forum to see if other people were experiencing the same problem. I haven’t seen the problem mentioned.  I actually believe AARP doesn’t want us earning points too quickly.  Why, I don’t know.

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Regular Contributor

The problem I'm having is I take a Weekly News Quiz and then am told that I do not receive points because I have already taken the quiz, when I absolutely did NOT take the quiz.  This has happened repeatedly, but just recently in the last several months.  If there was a change made that would affect this, please review the change.

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Community Concierge

Hi s519832s! There is a limit to the number of Rewards Points each participant can earn each Calendar Day. Members can earn at least 7,500 Rewards Points, and Non-Members earn at least 5,000 Rewards Points. If this is not the situation you are experiencing, please reach out to us. Here is a link with options on reaching AARP: -Sue J

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Bronze Conversationalist

In that case it would say that you have reached the daily limit, not that you have already taken the quiz.

I have had the same message about the weekly quiz; however in my case the points were still awarded. Just a incongruous message (I guess to be in keeping with the incongruous messages given by the "newly improved" terrible horrible no good very bad Instant wins - 

apologies to Judith Viorst)

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Periodic Contributor

I don't see that problem. I am able to complete 7500 points worth of quizzes without any noticeable slowdown.

Bronze Conversationalist

I have seen the message as well but in my case the points were still given.

Same with the song theme this morning; after completion, the message was no point given but 150 points were still credited.

I think we are seeing across the site the result of AARP messing up the instant game.


I would agree that AARP has a concern with us earning too many points. It all began about a year ago when points began to have an expiration date. Then with the loss of daily videos to earn points with. But they are really starting to make it a moot point by the lack of gift cards to purchase and the inflated point values they have assigned to the few that do become available. It was enjoyable while it lasted. I'm just surprised how quickly it has all gone bad. 

Community Concierge

Hi @11320cs we suggest clearing your cookies and cache, log off and back in, then attempt the activity one more time, consider using an Incognito window. Here you'll find the steps if needed: For any other questions about limits and points, please visit the Rewards Terms and Conditions: - Diana G.

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